Makes: 4 glasses

2 cups boiling water

2 cups cold water

1 cup ice

4 tbsp Bittersweet Beverages Purely Black Tea

2-3 tbsp fresh lemon juice

6-8 mint leaves

10-12 blackberries

4-5 tbsp sugar (optional)


Muddle together blackberries and mint leaves.

Bring 2 cups of water to a boil.

Add tea and sugar.

Turn off gas, steep for 4 minutes.

Add the the muddled blackberries and mint and leave aside for 2 minutes.

Strain, Add the cold water and ice.

Refrigerate once the tea is at room temperature.

Put 2-3 cubes of ice, 1 mint leaf in each glass.

Top with the iced tea.

Savour the flavour!

Categories for #3. Fresh & Fruity: Blackberry-Mint Iced Tea