Makes: 4 glasses


1 litre water

2 cups ice

3 grams Bittersweet Beverages Pink Blush Tea

75 grams diced and frozen watermelon cubes (1cm cubes)

12 cubes of frozen watermelon (2cm cubes)


4-5 tbsp sugar (optional)


Heat the water to 95°C.

Pour over the tea and let steep for 1 hour.

Strain and add the ice.

Once the tea is at room temperature, add the 75 grams of 1cm watermelon cubes.

Refrigerate for 6-8 hours.

Put 2-3 cubes of ice and  2-3 2cm watermelon cubes in each glass.

Top with the iced tea.

Savour the flavour!

Categories for #4. Cooling Watermelon-Rose Iced Tea