About us

Kairbetta Estates is one of the premium tea producers in the country. The plantation and factory are situated on the outskirts of Kotagiri town in the Nilgiri Hills of South India, at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level.

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Kairbetta Estates has its origin in and after 1887, but it was only in the year 1956, that my family, the Bhansalis purchased the property. Since then the property has seen four generations of tea growers.

The story of Kairbetta Estates spans over a hundred years, and is closely entwined with the history of tea plantations in South India.

Kairbetta Estates was the first Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM Tea Plantation in India. Since 2008 Kairbetta Estates has been a pioneer in the field of social, economic and environmental innovation to ensure holistic development of the plantation and its people.

Majority of the Kairbetta teas is exported to buyers in the U.K., Germany and other countries in Europe. This is the first time they have launched an exclusive range of retail teas through Bittersweet Beverages:

Purely Black:
A high grown leafy variety of the most exclusive Nilgiri Black Tea with no added flavours.

Earl Grey:
A complex blend of the finest, high grown Nilgiri Black Tea with the natural flavour of bergamot.

Pink Blush:
A delicate blend of the finest, high grown curly Nilgiri Black Tea with hand picked rose petals.

Masala Chai:
A strong, full blend of the finest, high grown Nilgiri Black Tea with aromatic Indian spices and undertones of saffron.

Go Green:
A high grown, leafy, variety of the finest Nilgiri Green Tea with no added flavours.

Minty Zest:
A delicate blend of leafy, high grown Nilgiri Green Tea with the freshness of lemon and mint.